Supported currencies in the FiQu app

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FiQu supports all currencies used in the European Union and major currencies in other parts of the world. In total 33 currencies, used by over 5 billion people to pay their bills.

Each account in FiQu can have a different currency. You select a standard currency when you first start the app. You can change it later via the Settings screen. This standard currency is used for total amounts in your budgets, goals, account screen and graphs. All calculations are done automatically.

United States dollarUSD$ or US$
Japanese yenJPY¥ or JP¥
Bulgarian levBGNлв
Czech korunaCZK
Danish kroneDKKkr
Pound sterlingGBP£
Hungarian forintHUFFt
Polish zlotyPLN
Romanian leuRONlei
Swedish kronaSEKkr
Swiss francCHFFr.
Icelandic kronaISKkr
Norwegian kroneNOKkr
Croatian kunaHRKkn
Russian roubleRUB
Turkish liraTRY
Australian dollarAUDAU$ or $
Brazilian realBRLR$
Canadian dollarCADCA$ or $
Chinese yuan renminbiCNYCN¥ or ¥
Hong Kong dollarHKDHK$
Indonesian rupiahIDRRp
Israeli shekelILS
Indian rupeeINR
South Korean wonKRW
Mexican pesoMXNMX$ or $
Malaysian ringgitMYRRM
New Zealand dollarNZDNZ$ or $
Philippine pesoPHP
Singapore dollarSGDSG$ or $
Thai bahtTHB฿
South African randZARR
All 33 currencies that the FiQu app supports

Currency rate refresh

If the FiQu app starts, the latest reference rate for each of the currencies you use is retrieved from the European Central Bank automatically. In case your phone does not have an internet connection, the most recent previously downloaded exchange rates are used.
If your device is permanently offline, FiQu multi-currency still works. In this case the built-in rates are used. These are only refreshed when a new version of the FiQu budgeting app is published.