Insights with Graphs in FiQu

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After you have created an account, entered or imported your expenses and incomes and categorised these, you can learn a lot about your finances with ten FiQu graphs.

Nine graphs analyze your transactions. The last one uses the balance amounts of your accounts to calculate your net worth.

Flexibele reporting: three choices

1. Which accounts?

If you tap on the text on the top left, you can choose from a list of accounts in FiQu. Select one, multiple or all accounts. The charts will be calculated with only the values from transactions and balances of selected accounts.

2. Which selection of expenses and incomes?

fiqu budgeting app four selection options for scope of new budget

Tapping on the top-right text in the Graphs screen, the Selection options screen is shown.

Here you have four choices, with which you can zoom in on a selected set of expenses and incomes:
A. All transactions. Tap on the checkbox.
B. One category.
C. One hashtag.
D. One filter.

This choice is combined with the selected accounts in choice 1. In this way, you can visually analyze the expenses or income in a one account for a single category etc.

3. Which period?

By tapping on the the name of the selected period (here: Month) or the date range, the six options for period length will become visible:

fiqu budgeting app finance period selection choices for graphic reporting

Tapping on a different radio button will cause this selection screen to close and the new period will be applied automatically. If this screen does not close, tap again on the period name or data range on top (with the white background).

If you tap on Any period, two dates become visible, as in the sample screen above. Tap on either date to change it. The date from can be as early as 2012; the date until can be picked up to 1 year in the future.

Tapping the left or right black caret will recalculate the graph for a previous or future period. If only only one more period is posible, the caret becomes grey. When you have reached that final period, the corresponding caret becomes invisible. Only one period entirely in the future (date from is later than today) is allowed.

Each tap on a caret will cause a shift of one week if you have selected Week, one month if for Month, 3 Months or 12 Months, one year in case of Calendar year and the number of days between from and until dates if you have selected Any period.

Expenses for top categories graph

If there are more than five categories with expenses (transactions with negative amounts) within the selection, then the sixth largest plus the seventh largest etc. are combined in one “Other” pie in the chart.

fiqu budgeting app pie chart expenses
This pie chart on the Graphs screen contains the “None” category. This is the combined value of the transactions you imported but did not yet categorize.

The purple dot on the bottom of the Graphs screen indicates the sequence number: Expenses for top categories is the first graph.

Swipe the graph to move to the next or previous one. Or tap on a purple circle to jump directly to a graph anywhere in the sequence.

Expenses for top categories per period graph

This chart is a breakdown of the pie chart above: bars with the category amounts per period stacked on top of each other. The (on average) largest category at the bottom.

fiqu budgeting finances app expenses bar chart categories
A selected period (choice 3.) of 12 months, broken down in one bar per month.

Income for top categories graph

If you have more than five categories with income (transactions with a positive amount) then the sixth smallest, plus seventh smallest etc. are combined in one “Other” pie chart.

fiqu budgeting app income pie chart per period

Income for top categories per period

In this graph, the Income pie chart above is split into bars per period within the overall selected period (in this example: 9 months, via Any Period).

fiqu budgeting app income graph barchart report

Expenses versus income overview

Are your finances healthy? This simple graph gives the answer in one glance.

The period you select should be long enough to include payments/bills or income (e.g. bonus) that occur only once per quarter or per year. Otherwise you get flattered results. Or figures that are not actionable, like one week with only expenses and no salary coming in.

fiqu budgeting app expenses versus income view savings
Expenses (red) are lower than income (green) in this period. You saved money (blue)!
fiqu budgeting app expenses versus income graph withdrawals
Expenses (red) are higher than income (green) in this period. You needed to withdraw some money from your savings or increase debts (purple).

Expenses versus income per period graph

This report is also called a cash flow diagram. Your income (green) per period is compared with your expenses (red) in the same period. The net result of income minus expenses is represented by the blue line: savings (blue dot in the green area). Or withdrawals from your savings account/increase of your debts in periods where the blue dot is below zero (in the red area).

fiqu budgeting app cash flow graph report expenses vs income with savings line

Expenses per period with trendline or budget line

This is a part of the cash flow diagram: only your expenses per period. And now with positive numbers.

You will see a horizontal green budget line if you have set a budget for the transaction selection you chose for graphs (choice 2. above). Otherwise, you will see a black line on top of the red bars, indicating the average per period and upward or downward trend.

fiqu budgeting app barchart expenses versus budget
Green budget line, reflecting the 2,100 per month budget for All expenses.

Income per period with trendline

This graph is the second part of the cash flow diagram: only income per period.

fiqu budgeting app income per month with trendline graphic report
The black trendline shows an average for these 12 periods of about 5,200 and an upward trend.

Savings per period with trendline

The third and last part of the cash flow diagram: the blue dots converted into bars. The blue dots below zero have a purple color in this graph: these are withdrawals. A withdrawal is either a deduction from your savings account or money you borrowed/increased your debts with.

fiqu budgeting app savings per month trendline graph visual
Despite some withdrawals (purple bars) there are more savings (blue bars), resulting in an average saving amount over these 12 periods of about 1,600. And an upward trend.

Net worth per period graph

This diagram is calculated using account balances only. The choice (2.) you made about transaction selection, will have no effect on this graph.

fiqu budgeting personal finance app net worth diagram
Net worth: your assets (money you have: green bars per day) minus your liabilities (money you owe/debts: red bars per day), represented by the blue dots per period. In this example your net worth end of december (rightmost blue dot) is 3,409 positive, because you have about 13,400 on your accunts (green) minus about 10,000 debts (orange). Notice the reduction of debt during the year. And the green spikes at every salary payment (in this example on the 24th of the month).

Turn financial insights into action: budgeting

Using the above graphs, you have learned about your average income, average savings and the categories where most of your money goes to. You can now determine limits for the part of your expenses you want to track first. Get control of these financial areas by setting budgets.