Customize Categories in FiQu

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The FiQu app has 15 built-in categories. With these you categorize your expense and income transactions. You can’t delete a built-in category. But you can adjust this set of categories to suit your needs in three ways:

  1. Rename any category. Change to a name that makes more sense to you. Or to a category name in your language.
  2. Change the icon of any category. Paste your favorite emoji e.g. from an internet site. Or use the built-in list of alternative emojis.
  3. Add your own categories. Add as many extra categories as you like. You can delete your own categories if you no longer need them.

How about sub-categories?

Consider if you really need sub-categories. This option has been deliberately left out of the FiQu app to keep it as simple as possible.

However, in the FiQu app there are two ways to achieve the equivalent of sub-categories:

  • Add a tag to your transactions. Example: add #dentist, #pharmacist or #othermedical to the description of expenses in the “Medical costs” category. Then analyse each of these hashtags separately via the Transactions screen, the graphs or track them via separate budgets.
  • Create a filter combining multiple categories. Example: add “Dentist” and “Pharmacist” as extra categories and rename “Medical costs” to “Other medical”. Then create a filter named “Medical costs” which combines the transactions of these three categories. You can then view graphs or set budgets on one (sub-)category or on this filter.

Where to edit categories in the FiQU app?

You can select a category in the Budgets tab of the Overview screen, the Transactions screen and the Graphs screen. But you can’t edit categories there.

To change the list of your categories you need the Selection Options button on the Settings screen. Tapping this button opens this Selectino options screen:

fiqu budgeting personal finance app category list within selection options screen android

Tap on a category row to delete it (not for built-in standard categories) or edit it. While editing, you can swipe to quickly go to the details of the next category in the list.

Tap the + button to create a new category.

Create your own category in three steps

fiqu budgeting app create new category screen

1. Category name

Any name in your language. Categories must have a unique name.

2. Category icon

This is an emoji, to quickly identify a transaction in a list of budgets or transactions or in the top categories pie chart graphs.

Use the default emoji (books), paste any emoji from another website or app or tap on the Choose Emoji button. That will open a popup screen in which you can choose from about 100 built-in emojis.

fiqu budgeting app select other category emoji icon

Tap a different emoji and then the Select button. This will change the icon in the Add new Category screen.

3. Tap ‘Create this Category’

Tap on the ‘Create’ button to make your new category. This button will only become active if you have entered a unique name.

You can now create another category or go back to the list of categories, via the arrow button on the top left of the screen.

Reorganize your categories via Merge

This menu appears if you tap on a category row in the Selection Options screen:

fiqu household book app category options menu

A tap on the Edit button opens the Category details screen. Use this to edit a category. Swipe left or right to view the details of the next or previous category in the list.

fiqu housekeeping book budget app category details edit screen

You can give many transactions another category in one go. That is call merge category in the FiQu app. Use this before you delete a category. Tap on the ‘Merge’ button in the Category details screen to open this screen:

fiqu personal finance app merge categories dialog

Select a new category for all transactions having category Household expenses (in this example). Then tap the Merge button.