Learn where your money goes. Track your spending with all your expenses and income in one place. Categorize your transactions to get smart with your money.
Set budgets to see how much you can spend. And to know how you are improving towards your financial goals.
Get more insights with reports and graphs. Further improve your financial intelligence quotient or f-iq by tagging your transactions. Then set budgets focused on sub-categories or special events. Or apply a custom filter to dive into a cross-section of your financial data.
Private, affordable and simple
Keeping your data private is our top priority. You don’t have to share personal data during registration, approve one-sided conditions or allow access to your bank account. All your financial data stays on your smartphone. Nothing is analyzed behind the scenes.
If you’re on a budget, an expensive budgeting app is the last thing you need. That’s why FiQu for Android is free.
FiQu offers everything you really need to improve your knowledge about your own personal finances. Functions that are not essential and fancy designs have been left out. This makes FiQu simple to use, easy to learn and reliable.
Improving your financial iq starts today

Have a closer look at the features of the unique FiQu budgeting app.
If you have already installed FiQu on your smartphone, explore the guides how to get the most financial insights out of FiQu and how to use our app to meet your unique needs.